Water supply

Drinking water can be obtained from springs, groundwater resources and lakes. It is transported to the houses via reservoirs and pipelines. The central water supply ensures the hygienic, chemical and physical quality of the water.

cross section street and family house with pipes

In Austria, drinking water comes from springs or groundwater wells.

The drinking water is then collected in large reservoirs (elevated tanks). This allows fluctuations in the source and consumption to be balanced out.

The drinking water is transported via pipelines from the elevated tank to the individual houses. There is overpressure in the pipes (pressure higher than air pressure). For overpressure to occur, the reservoir must be located above the settlement to be supplied. There are several connections for drinking water pipes in the house. With the overpressure in the pipes, the drinking water is led, for example, to the 1st floor in the bathroom. This makes water available for showering, washing hands and flushing toilets even in the event of a power failure.

The drinking water pipe lies above the sewer. This prevents contamination of the drinking water in the event of pipe leaks.